
How to promote mobile game by brand keywords

Mobile gaming is a huge competitive niche. So, product development and marketing require huge investments and time to get the first income. New mobile games are commonly promoted through banner ads and CPA networks, acquiring incentive real users. The cost per install can be high and as soon as your budget is off, you will lose the traffic flow. But promotion with keyword installs can be a solution.

What keywords can do for your game promotion?

Mobile Games at App Store or Play Store can be divided into two groups. There are products with the mechanic that people search and download for. For example, “knife hitter” is a mechanic for the applications about throwing the item into the target. Different applications have unique mechanics and brand names that others want to compete for too. “Clash of clans” is a brand name, but many apps try to use words “clash” or “clans” in their titles to be more related to the same search request and attract the potential Clash of Clans users.

Promotion with the keyword installs can give you that visibility by brand requests you have never had before. You will order installs per keyword and rank up higher for a certain keyword.

How to get first positions at the top by keywords?

Promotion by brand words and phrases is a bit tricky. Both iOS and Android forbid the use of someone’s brand name in your description. However, to get basic indexation for these requests, you can order incentive custom reviews with these words and phrases. Technically, they are not related to your application but are the feedback of real users that compare you with other products into your favor.

When you have got enough reviews to be searched at the very bottom of the market for these brand words, you can order keyword installs. Get more info on how to promote mobile games with deliberate recommendations. We explain there how to get from 200+ places to the top in 3-4 weeks. is a self-service platfrom for application promotion with keywords installs and search optimization.